Sunday, August 31, 2008

RNC in St. Paul Prep Day Two (Sun. Aug. 31)

As it gets closer to the convention everything is getting more stressful. Today I ran around a lot more and had much more trouble getting places. The security at the convention center is very high. There are fences around the entire area with only a few check points to get in. After you finally get in security makes you show your credentials at almost every doorway.

The tech guys have been working very hard to get radio row and talk show row up and running. All of the affiliate stations came today and tried to set their own equipment up, but not without simple problems.

The big news today is how Hurricane Gustav is affecting the convention. Tomorrow, Monday, all of the speakers have been cancelled and the convention will only happen for a few hours in the afternoon. Basically, they are just holding the things that are absolutely necessary to keep the convention going. Most of the stations were broadcasting this news live. The picture shows CNN during their live shot from the Xcel Energy Center.

I am excited for the convention to finally begin. I am curious as to what will all still go on due to the hurricane. I’m sure it depends on the storms severity.


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