Tuesday, September 2, 2008

RNC in St. Paul Day Two (Tues. Sept. 2)

Today was another fun day of meeting some well known faces. We started out the day a little slow, but that was good because it gave me and another runner the chance to bring Bob Schieffer up to Radio row for an interview. While we were walking upstairs Bob asked where I was from and I said that I went to college in Waverly and he recognized that town and said he had done some things with Wartburg before. Nikki and I got to sit in the room while they were doing the interview. Here is a portion of that interview.

If it wasn’t for still being hungry after a lunch that was not one of my favorites then CBS would not have gotten the chance to interview Mike Huckabee. We saw a crowd of people gathering around a table and found out that it was Mike Huckabee.

Later on in the night during some down time I got to use a press floor pass to walk around a little bit. They will not let you enter the floor during a speech so I had to wait a few minutes before I could enter. But as I got on the floor Cindy McCain was taking her seat. She was very polite and smiled/waved in the direction that she heard her name being called. I also stopped to listen to a speech about being a foster parent and serving. U.S. Representative Michelle Bachmann (MN) is a foster parent as are the McCain's. As I was exiting the floor I met Sean Hannity of Fox.

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